turntable recommendations for a vinyl newbie...

As some of you might know, I have invested megabucks into digital audio - now being finally satisfied with my custom Audio Note DAC + PWT transport... So I am curious as to how vinyl may compare... I know, I know, but I want to hear for myself in my own system.

So, I am interested in a turntable set up that will be fairly competitive against my Audio Note digital front end, yet will not be expensive (incase I bail) - in other words used.

I have a Micro Seiki DD-40 in mind - would this work? or is there something else that would sound better for around the sub $1000 mark used???

remember, at this point, I know little about TT. and I plan on connecting to my Atma-Sphere pre...

thank you
The "cost" of trying vinyl is not in the friction of buying hardware used for $1000 on Agon and then reselling it for a few dollars less after having spent a few or several months learning about setup, figuring out that your first choice of cartridge (done on a budget) just doesn't cut it, buying another, researching to find another one, cleaning records, wasting Saturday mornings at yard sales, pissing off your significant other with the new mess and distractions, spending more time surfing Agon and the Vinyl Asylum trying to figure out how to spend a few hundred dollars more to reach nirvana, etc. It's the "cost" of the time if you later deem it to have been a waste.

You may have to temper your expectations a bit for $1000. It is not impossible to get decent vinyl sound from that kind of money (assuming the phono stage is already in the pre), but beating an excellent and expensive digital system playing through excellent amplification for that budget is a tall order.
I agree with T-Bone in that a cheap tt with thrift shop records may end up a big waste of time, but I still maintain that a new MMF-5 (There's one up from Underwood) at a good price, and a bunch of new records from Better Records or Acoustic sounds, will give the OP a good sense of whether he wants to continue with vinyl. I agree, buying someones flaky tt and messed up records may well be a waste of time and that's why I recommend against it.

It seems to me, TB, you're advocating not doing anything because it may be a waste of time. I guess the answer to that is - how much time do you have to waste? Some have much more than others.
I am not advocating doing nothing. I am simply trying to point out the nature of the "costs." Based on the fact that the OP has a friend who will set up the TT, and he has demonstrable sensitivity to having too much potential loss if it turns out bad. I would personally suggest something like a used VPI Classic, or possibly the Nottingham Spacedeck here on Agon for $1300. Disclaimer: no connection to anything being sold on Audiogon (as of the day of posting).