Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2?

Is this an upgrade or a lateral move??

I'm using a Teres 340 and really stretched to get the TT itself. Therefore I had to use a lesser arm due to budget constraints.
However, I have made some upgrades to the power system and am finding that mu cdp has benefited more from it than my TT

Dont get me wrong. The TT sounds very nice. But my cdp is now rivaling it in many respects. This makes me question my vinyl setup and its weak link. FWIW, I haven't checked setup parameters ie vta yet. Nor have I played with loading.
This is mostly due to all the recent upgrades and tweaks and trying to evaluate them. Nonetheless, my system sounds better than ever. But I am curious about the Graham 2,2 arm.
Thanks Doug. Your last statement concerning the 2.2 vs OL was my main question. That said, I would buy the 2.2 if it were an upgrade. They are quite inexpensive right now and that was my reasoning.
The picys and listing of my system is out of date and I need to update the listing. I 've been really busy and so haven't had the time to update the listing. But I have updated quite a few other things. Its easy to see your dismay in light of the system listed. But here are the upgrades

Phono preamp is now Vacuum State JLTi. Got a defective one at first and had to work through that issue. Jay and Allan took care of it though. Both are good people and a pleasure to deal with.

Amp is a tube unit Dynaco ST-70 made by Bob Latino. Its kind of misleading since the only thing used of the ST-70 is the circuit. it has all the upgrades that are possible and sounds better than my former CJ by a good margin IMO

I am now running all "Pure Note" cables. I had Pure Note previously but I had a lesser IC cable on the TT. Duh!!! .

I've installed an Oyaide R1 AC outlet on my dedicate AC line. Stunning!

I have installed new AC cables. Still auditioning them but am towards the end of the 30 days. They are broke in and have made some improvement

So, One of my problems is that I have made too many changes for the time period and am trying to stay on top without fooling myself.
My big project has ended now so i will have time to really get the Teres zeroed in. My wife has given me the OK to build my room.

That said, is the new tape drive system a big upgrade? BTW, I'm using a clear one now. (The black one broke) I was planning on researching the new tape but just hadn't gotten around to it.

One other thing I should note is that in my experiment to separate digital fro analog, I found that my phono preamp was plugged into a regular 50 cent outlet running through a cheap surge protector (another area that needs attention).
Plugging it into the Monster which is plugged into the R1 has made a big improvement also.

Thanks for your input Doug. It is much appreciated. I guess I'll try to get around to updating my system in the next few days so my posts are not so confusing
They are quite inexpensive right now and that was my reasoning.
In an active secondary market comprised of knowledgeable buyers and sellers, a piece of equipmnent that retains a relatively low percentage of its original price is likely to perform:
a) better than average
b) worse than average
c) on American Idol


That said, is the new tape drive system a big upgrade?
Read the thread I linked. No one who's tried it has failed to hear improvements.

BTW, I'm using a clear one now. (The black one broke)
Good. The (2 mil) clear tape was a nice upgrade over the (1 mil) black. You're now just two steps from state of the art. Whatever you heard from the switch to the clear tape, you'll hear more of.


As you're running the TT on AC power, I'd recommend the battery option from Teres. Batteries eliminate dirty power problems better than any power cord.

If you do, skip the Teres-supplied battery and buy a heftier Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) type. (We actually use two, our TT probably has more cold-cranking amps than my Land Rover! LOL.) AGM batteries are safe and hold their charge practically forever when disconnected, which we do when not listening. Ours only need recharging once or twice a year. We leave our charger disconnected, which further lowers the noise floor.

A big AGM battery's large plate surfaces and mat-stabilized gel electrolyte supply electricity fast enough to push the motor through transients with minimal power lags; AC oomph without the noise and distortion.

Our 320 matches our CDP for transient speed and betters its dynamics, bass depth and clarity. Of course there's no comparison when it comes to a low sound floor.
Doug. I never intended to give the idea that the CDP sounded better than the Teres. However, my exuberance over the improvements which the Oyaide R1 AC outlet brought to the cdp did come through. I'm surprised the cdp sounds as good as it does. However, the TT was not getting the benefit of the outlet. I hadn't realized that at my OP.

That said, I have worked some with the TT. But mostly with the preamp. I plugged the JLTi into the Oyaide as well which helped. But then I got the idea that since the designer of the preamp, Allen Wright, advocates 47K loading, i thought I'd try it. Whoa. More energy and sound stage.

I am running battery power now. Are you saying the battery you suggested would be a sonic upgrade or a maintenance upgrade? IOW's buy that one when this one goes bad?

I am going to try to find the mylar tape later this afternoon. I've read enough of the thread to know what is necessary to make the tapes. Is there a place online to buy all the stuff necessary if my hunt fails this afternoon?

Also, The main reason for asking about the 2.2 was because I have always felt as if I had to compromise on the arm when I bought the TT. I spent all my $$$ on it and could not swing a better arm at the time. It seems that the majority are using Triplanars or Schroeders or other higher end arms. I do not have experience with other arms except those which I have had on previous tables. I live in flyover country and do not get to hear other systems. I like the simplicity of The OL and it seems to do a good job. But I hadn't got around to asking Chris about it.

BTW, I like your quiz
Info on tape source. Enough to last a lifetime.

mylar streamers

you want part #6033665. 1/2" x 100' holographic mylar.

My opinion on the 2.2 is close to Doug's. Your table is far better than the 2.2 can manage.

How about a nice, used Triplanar VII?
Thanks for the link Dan Ed.

The guy I bought the TT from had a triplanar on it but finances did not permit. I had to sneak the OL illustrious in the house. I got a very good deal on it and what few reviews I read gave it much praise. at the time Chris had a list of compatible(sounding good) arms on his website and OL was one of them.

I'd like to have a Triplanar but I really need to back off of upgrades, especially now that my wife says "Please build the room". She wants her LR without stereo gear. Also her mother is getting old and we may have to take her in. I'll need a hiding place then. PLUS, with a dedicated room, I can play my music loud after 9PM. I usually get my 2nd breath at 8:30