Lyra Helikon upgrade

Having lived very happily with my Helikon for 2 years, I am now contemplating an upgrade, the helikon tracks great has bags of detail and imaging. On good recordings it is fantastic, however I would like something a little more full bodied for those recordings that are less than perfect. My TT is an sme 10 with a iv arm. Currently I am interested in the Lyra Skala, and the benz LP is also on my list.
Thanks for any input...
Happy listening
A great choice. I feel your on the right track and will most certainly be getting exactly what your looking for. The Benz Lp having a line contact stylus will also give you the benefit of not compromising a glowing full body for lack of detail, air, soundstage, or lack of groove noise. Happy Listening to you!
Hi, a few years ago when I had a SME 20/2 and SME IV.Vi, I went from the Helicon to the Skala. This is a nice change exactly where you want it. Keep all the detail and imaging you love, but add even more transparency. Then you get a warmth that I was missing from the helicon like you.

I think the Lyra's are a great match for the SME arms and tables.

I posted a review awhile back, it's here:

Lyra also has a replacement for the Helicon, it's on their website, called the Kleos. I have not heard this cartridge yet.

Maybe Jonathan Carr will chime in here or a Kleos owner.

I am on my 2nd Skala now and it's my 4th Lyra I've owned (lydian beta, Helicon, 2 skalas). I've always been curious about other cartridges but never ever get serious.

I'd love to hear a Olympos, I'm guessing even at it's lofty price level I might make a impulse purchase!

Good luck, let us know what you decide on and the ultimate result as it breaks in.

Thanks !
I took a Helikon to 2000 hours and went for Soundsmith's best retip to the stock boron cantilever. This was a worthwhile gamble: apparently the suspension has a longer lifespan than the stylus. The long wait for the retip gave me an opportunity to jump on the train of Raulireugas's long thread about NOS MM/MI cartridges. The best of these will give you what you're looking for and leave lots of cash to upgrade your phono stage.
My dealer tells me the new Lyra Delos sounds better than the Helicon and the Kleos will most likely out perform the Skala. I haven't heard either yet but I have always liked the Lyra sound. From my point of view I would look at the Kleos as a replacement. Newest technology from Lyra. However the Skalas may go on sale with the release of the new line of cartridges.