Denon 103 Hot Rod Version Red Body?

Somewhere within this forum, I read a fascinating story/posting concerning an American who was instrumental in not only saving the Denon 103 from extinction, but was involved in creating a Hot Rod version of the 103 housed in what I remember as a red cartridge body.

Does anyone know what and to whom I am referring?
These were made from Eclectic Audio (Mr. Garth Phillippe) in Germany, it is called Shibui. It is a Denon 103 with a new Metal-Body and a Shibata needle. The rework was made from a professional needle specialist in Germany, maybe something more was made.
I think Eclectic sold them worldwide quite successfully, but I don't know how much of them. Unfortunately there are fakes existing in Germany (DIY guys who bought the red body and made their own "experiments"). The originals have an own manual.
I own a special Shibui based 103R, he made only 4 of them. It has a blue body.