Attention K&K phono pre owners:

Kevin has a new major upgrade in the works that applicable to all previous models back to the first kit sold (sold to me and now in the hands of an audio friend). Check out Kevin's posting over on the K&K forum for details. I've been in contact with Kevin for weeks as he has worked to develop this and this should be very exciting. I haven't posted on this before at Kevin's request to keep this under wraps until he was ready for an announcement.
Sorry. I went to the URL you provided above, and I see that the latest upgrade is a change in the JFET used in the hybrid cascode at the preamp input. The post says nothing about an input transformer, one way or the other.
Thank you, John. Do you mean to say that the Maxx'd Out uses a transformer on the input side? I was not aware of that, and it is not obvious from the photos on the website. So is this new transformer upgrade employed at the input? I thought you were talking about an upgrade for the built-in SUT in the MC output stage.
It uses a transformer for the MC input, the MM does not and as a consequence is single ended. I just assumed (my bad) that someone buying a maxed out kit would be using a MC. If you want balanced inputs with the MM input stay tuned in. You never know what might be coming down the pike in future months.

Great News!,glad to hear, I too being a Maxxed-out owner cannot believe this phonostage can get any better.In what ways has this outstanding unit been improved upon?

Mine was scheduled to be upgraded last month but Kevin told me to wait on a few parts namely the new backing plate to accommodate a few modifications I'd like to add. So until that time I have to take your word for it.Please tell
