What is the best knot for a thread drive belt ?

What is the best knot for a thread drive belt for my Verdier TT ? How to tie it ?

Teres also recommended a blood knot back when its tables were supplied with a thread drive (pre-2004).

Doesn't this "blood knot" create a bump on all sides? And how smooth is it when pass through the small diameter of a pulley? I haven't tried it; I guess I will find out.

A blood knot works best with thinner poly or cotton/poly thread-- typically called "heavy duty" in a fabric shop. If using a thicker #2 braided silk thread, it's better to tie a simple loop knot. This is flat on one side and can sometimes be coaxed into position so the knot rides on the outside of the loop.
Here's a good knot. It has a smooth side that tends to run on the platter. It stays tied, too. If my memory serves me, it is the same knot used by Micro Seiki back in the day.

Saskia Turntables

It always helps to include the link.
