Graham Phantom B44 2 or Taela ?

Am seriously contemplating a 2nd tonearm on a TW AC1. The TT currently has a Triplanar 7 mark 2 with a Transfiguration Orpheus L cart and a Nagra VPS Phonostage, which will stay. Was pretty keen on the Graham B44 with a Lyra Titan i. Am unlikely to get to audition either.
Would love to hear from A'goners who have experienced the Taela in their systems. , more specifically anyone who has done a comparison with the Phantom. Admittedly there are many subjective variables in such an excercise, but any views/comments would be most welcome.
Many thanks.
i do own (and love) my Talea. i have not had a Graham Phantom in my system....although i've heard the Phantom many times in other systems and specifically compared to the Triplaner more than a few times. generally i think the Phantom and Triplaner are at the similar level of energy and resolution as well as quality of build. i somewhat prefer the more neutral Triplaner. i bring up the Triplaner because i heard the Talea in my system a couple of times directly compared to my Triplaner on the same tt with the same cartridge and also in another system on the same tt. the Talea was clearly better; and i think very highly of the Triplaner.

btw; i do own the Lyra Olympos SL; the best sounding cartridge i have heard. it's mounted on my Rockport Sirius III. i have not had it mounted on the Talea but i would expect it a magical combination and eventually i'll try it there.

in the 90's i did own a Graham 1.5tc and then i owned a Graham 2.2 for a couple of years....until i purchased my first Rockport in i do have experience with Graham and it is a very good tonearm.

the Talea is very special and i highly recommend it.
I agree with Mike. The Talea is one of the most special tonearms I have heard. While I would recommend the Phantom over the Triplaner, they are fairly close in performance. I find the Talea to be in another class.

It is a beautiful looking and sounding arm.
Many thanks for all the suggestions/comments/advice.
Am loving the VPS and am managing to squeeze enough gain from the tube only stage. Did contemplate the 12" Graham but was dissuaded from that path by many incl. Thomas of TW.
I may yet surprise you! Whereabouts are you located in New England ?
Really appreciate your honest assessment of the Orpheus L and the Titan. Its pretty much what I imagined but coming from someone who actually owns both is so much more valuable.
Your endorsement and recommendation of the Talea I value.

Ideally would love to audition the Talea. In the event thats not possible the testimony/reviews on Agon would probably sway me.

Cheers and happy listening
Sunnyboy, you've got email. I'm in So. New Hampshire.

I also hold the Triplanar in high regard. This is an arm I can happily live with for many years to come. HOwever, the Talea was just something I could not get out of my head weeks after the prototype left my system. I don't really want to part with my Triplanar so I need to find a way (an excuse is more accurate :-) ) to get both arms on my table. It is going to be a bit of a challenge because I can't really use the mono cart ploy 'cuz I don't own more than a dozen mono LPs. If that many.

My experience with Graham is limited to the 2.2 I owned sometime back so I don't think it is relevant to this discussion.