Graham Phantom B44 2 or Taela ?

Am seriously contemplating a 2nd tonearm on a TW AC1. The TT currently has a Triplanar 7 mark 2 with a Transfiguration Orpheus L cart and a Nagra VPS Phonostage, which will stay. Was pretty keen on the Graham B44 with a Lyra Titan i. Am unlikely to get to audition either.
Would love to hear from A'goners who have experienced the Taela in their systems. , more specifically anyone who has done a comparison with the Phantom. Admittedly there are many subjective variables in such an excercise, but any views/comments would be most welcome.
Many thanks.
Sunnyboy, very happy to "hear" about your results with the Talea. Out of curiousity, were you using a the captive cable Triplanar? or one with the RCA or DIN termination.

Also same question for the Talea since I am not familar with it's termination it hard wired (and if so with what cable?)

Thanks so much and congrats !
Dear Lewm: +++++ " o the wooden arm wand in combination with a euphonic kind of "resonance", for want of a better word, that could occur in the unipivot tonearms I used to listen to in days of yore... " +++++

as almost always but especialy with tonearm/cartridge resonances/distortions are of the kind that you like it and the kind you don't like it so much and of course exist the possibility to find out that always evasively neutral/accurate quality performance, very hard to attain.

Regards and enjoy the music,
That's a really impressive set up. A little too classy for Lady Gaga ?? Are those 12" arms?
You are absolutely spot on. I can easily swap arms.
I have the Triplanar with RCA termination and it's hard wired. Ditto for the Talea except it's a Discovery cable .
Hi Sunnyboy,

Yup, they're 12". In your case, change the armboard on the left side to a shorter one. I think the TW armbord has 90mm C2C.

I bought the lp before I found out she was a he. Still I think he is a better singer than Katy Perry or she, whatever.