Goldmund Reference Turntable ?

Anyone have any experience with or owns a Goldmund Reference Turntable Original version ? I will be picking one up next week and thats one table I have never played with. It has the T3 tonearm as well. Any tricks to setting it up etc. ?

Not sure what to pay for it anyone know the going price for one is as well ?

I recently listened to a friend's Goldmund TT/T3P with an Ortofon Jubilee in the UK. It was hooked up to a pair of Devialets and Epilog 1&2s. Fabulous sound. The T3P was troublesome as the optical sensor on the arm gets upset by sunlight coming through the window. However, with a judicious adjustment of the curtain, it was perfect.

I'm sure my friend might be able to give you some advice. He has just retired as a Chief Engineer in F1 Racing and used to work for Garrard in turntable design before his motor racing career. Email me is you want some info and I'll get him to contact you.
Topoxforddoc and Cabbiendi.

Could you do me the kind favor and help out a Studio/T3F owner to improve the performance of the T3F?
I would love to get my hands on the CAD drawing and info on what other mods has been done to the arm to improve the sound.

Best Regards and thanks in advance.
Tonny Stølegaard

I picked up a Studio/T3F, with Transfiguration Temper, used a few years ago, for about $2000, in good cosmetic condition, with boxes and accessories, and found that I liked it much more than the Luxman 444/SME V/Cardas combination. (The Luxman was much more beautifully finished.) Recently, I began to focus on my record collection, and I updated the Temper to a new Ortofon Cadenza Black. I carefully setup the T3F, including the use of a USB microscope for checking/setting the VTA.

The VTA is a pain to set, first requiring that the platter (at stylus contact point) be level in both axes, and then that the arm "box" be level in both axes. Adjusting the arm VTA requires the unlocking and dialing of 4 corner "pillar" screws, maintaining the level of the arm in both axes. Tedious but doable. Forget about changing VTA on the fly.

Adjusting the VTF is also tedious since this is done by unlocking the counterweight setscrew and then moving the weight and relocking the setscrew which is somewhat obscured by the arm structure. The setscrew should only be unlocked enough to allow the movement of the weight while still under friction. 

I’ve seen comments about the horizontal mass of the arm posing a problem for the cantilever. For typical tangential arms, this might be a problem since the whole arm structure must be pulled horizontally across. I don’t believe this applies to the T3F since for a small angle, the arm pivots horizontally like a normal pivoted arm. The sensor detects any error and a motor, not the stylus, moves the mass of the arm horizontally. It seems that a position change occurs once every 1.5 to 2 seconds or one groove spacing. Hardly enough to produce any significant tracking error. The one weakness here is that the correction is applied in one direction only. Eccentric records will not allow the arm to move alternately in and out. Luckily the amount of horizontal pivot in the arm will typically absorb the eccentricity without any unusual stress on the cantilever.

Another conceptual concern, if not practical, is that the arm drive motor is activated for a tiny fraction of a second every 1.5 to 2 seconds. This might generate some mechanical noise but I haven’t been able to detect it while listening, except at the label end grooves while spiraling in and just before arm pickup.

I have noted some logic bugs, when operating the cuining and inward/outward buttons, in rapid succession, and then issueing a stop command, the arm may fail to raise up before returning to the rest position. You should be aware of this and ready to intervene by lifting the arm manually.

I think this setup sounds spectacular and am very pleased with it. I really don't know what I would want instead of it.