When does analog compete with digital?

With vinyl becoming all the rage, many believe (perhaps mistakenly) that a budget of $1K will allow them to bring their analog front end up to par with their digital. I would like a reasoned assessment of this issue.

How much time, money, and expertise do you think is necessary before one can seriously claim that their analog front end can compete with their digital? What characteristics, if any, are simply incommensurable between these two mediums? Let's use my system as an example.

Personally, I tried to build an analog front-end that focused on texture/warmth (as opposed to dynamics), but I still feel as though something is missing. Trouble is, I can't quite put my finger on it. I'd be grateful for comments/suggestions (system in sig)
It took me getting a Rega P5 / Michell Techno weight / Groovetracer Reference Subplatter / 2mm spacer / Dynavector 20XL / Rogue Stealth Phono Pre to finally get to where I was happy with vinyl when comparing to CD's. They do sound different and a lot comes down to the source signal. I would say about $2-$3K before it started competing with the sound of CDs.

2 cents.
Darn sorry to hear that. I apologize that my pathetic $60 Empire cartridge and my tubed phono pre-amp kicks sand in the face of ANY cd I've ever heard. Perhaps I just don't understand the concept of the silhouette cutouts that cd offers that I've listened to for thirty years. It doesn't take a lot of energy or expense to have vinyl sound like music, only an open mind.

Digital is superior for 1 reason: Remote

The lack of remote allows me to focus on the music currently playing, rather than thinking about which track to jump to next. However, if I could train my 5-year-old to flip sides, brush the record, clean the stylus, and queue up the first track, I'd be on to something. I'd trust her over my 8-year-old son (but probably be the logical choice to train, as he'd be sitting next to me, listening).
Dear Nrenter,

How sweet to have children to share your life with. They are the music of life.


The simple answer is: every day!

Every link in the analog chain keeps getting better.
With a good analog rig, you just want to keep playing music.