Anyone here knows the Reed 3Q tonearm?

Hello Guys,

I saw the Reed 3Q around the net and it smells a good tonearm .. it's interesting the 12" Reed 3Q or better I could be interested for my TW Acustic Raven One
Anyone here knows this arm and how it works/sounds?

here the link to see the Reed 3Q 12" tonearm

Best wishes to everyOne

There will be one playing in room #1126 at RMAF if that helps.
I would like to tell you how it sounds but as I am the importer, I will let others tackle that. I will add it has been demoed against some very serious and expensive arms and has yet to lose. I have the trade-ins to prove it.
Hi Curio, The Reed has a new site with the data about all
their tonearm versions:
