Aftermarket upgrades are a great source of system improvement and I have been reading several sites, including EVS, Modwright, etc...all of which offer their own variations and varying levels which are ostensibly designed to improve the player as a "complete source".
My purchase of an Oppo 105 about 8 months ago was strictly as a transport to feed CD's into my separate Dac...I use the single RCA/Spdif digital output only, into my Lampizator Model Big 6 dac. Both the Dac and the Oppo rest on their own Sistrum Isolation platforms,and both use Triode Wire Labs powercords, plug into a dedicated - for - digital - equipment - only Pi Uberbuss power conditioner which is plugged into its own dedicated 20amp line via another TWL powercord.
My only reason for the Opps's use is as a transport serving a 2 channel system only.I don't use it for video, or multichannel, or internet radio, or any of its other [apparently many] features. It was purchased exclusively as a "coax out" transport. Period.
My question for the upgrade market people would be how much work (and cost) would be involved in simply improving the transport aspects of the player alone, all else remaining essentially stock... [or perhaps simply benefiting as an aside from the transport upgrades such as the power supply, etc]. What/where would be the main areas of attention inside the unit and would it really be a significant cost/upgrade ratio...I know I am the only one who can truly decide such a thing but I am very curious.
Any opinions welcome...