The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Well here's part two of this review from Tone Publications on these latest Bose 901's that a lot of you have been waiting for...

Jeff says these 901's are "Serious Speakers" and he is seriously considering keeping these latest 901's for his beach house !..

Part three will be coming up next with the 901's with Jeff's reference tube gear and his reference interconnects and speaker cables...this should be a real ear opener !!..

I think the last time I heard Bose 901's were at a Pacific Stereo in San Diego.

I dug 'em! Not quite sure if I was still in high school or perhaps, had begun college; however, I do recall how differently the sound was presented compared to my friend's family's AR 10 Pi's :-)

EQ? Oh, yeah...they needed them - lol. But, the sound was enveloping!

You know, it would be fun listening to them again, I think :-)

In the Tone Publications review of these latest 901's Jeff did NOT use bose equalizer AT ALL !! I wonder why Jeff did this for Because without the equalizer these 901's do not sound good at all !! What's going on here ???..

Look down this page and your see that he did NOT use the bose equalizer
Drubin , would you call NOT using the bose equalizer with his reference gear, a "fair review" on 901's ???...

I can see now that Jeff does not want to give these 901's a fair review with the most important part of this review !

I think Jeff sees the potential of these latest 901's BUT he just don't want to find out about it by not using the equalizer with his reference gear......