Is the Basis 2001 a solid enough table to keep.

If I bought a Basis 2001 table only, could I make it a great turntable with the addition of a well thought out arm and cartridge combo? Or not try to re-invent the wheel (My first turntable in 20 plus years). Or should I try buying a complete setup i.e. Nottingham Space Deck w/space arm or VPI Classic?
Thanks, Greg
On the other side, when you want to be a real man who wants the daily fight for the last swing of the tone, you can choose a LP12 with Schroeder Arm and a Koetsu Cartridge. That is also a real interesting combination. :-)
I have set my sights on a used Basis 2001 or 2200 with a Vector 4 tonearm. Still considering what cartridge to use with my Jazz collection (now and future). I still have questions...the difference between the 2001 & the 2001 Signature...2200 & the 2200 Signature. Anybody Know?
The signature versions (2001) carry even tighter tolerances. The 2001 non-signature versions can be upgraded to signature status although it can get expensive to do this.

The 2200 is only available as a signature unit. There is no non-signature version of this table. It was introduced after the signature upgrades were done. if you are looking at that 2200, you should get it instead of the 2001. It will have the advantage of a bit more platter mass and the suspension is probably better in that it's the signature suspension and that table comes with one very good arm. The Vector IV, when mastered, is incredibly good and well behaved.

I own a Basis Debut (vacuum clamp) with a Vector 3 arm based on a recommendation from a friend who is an industry insider who has heard hundreds of home installations (he recommended the table and arm even though he actually represents competing products). The arm is NOT the easiest thing to adjust, but, once it is set up properly it really performs well. It is an arm that is recommended by manufacturer/distributors of cartridges that put a lot of vibrational energy into the body of the cartridge and demand that the arm dampen/drain that energy instead of reflecting that energy back into the cartridge (e.g., Lyra cartridges).

I have heard several Nottingham table/arm combinations in some very nice sounding systems, though I have not heard them in direct comparison with anything else. Set up right, with a good cartridge, these deliver good sound. My one concern is that for a period of time, my local dealer (a friend) experienced numerous motor failures. The US distributor was a bit slow to respond with replacements. This could have been a case of bad luck or a short-term problem (e.g., bad batch of parts). Also, this was something that happened about eight years ago.

Even Basis, which has a terrific reputation for high quality and durability, can suffer from parts problems from suppliers. I purchased their motor control unit form my Debut a few years ago. The first two units failed after a very short time. According to Basis, the manufacturer of a particular part had made unannounced changes that compromised the part's performance. He quickly re-engineered the the motor control/motor to cure the problem. I have not had any problems since then.

A friend owns a 2500 that had two arms on it -- a Vector 3 and a Graham Phantom. He used both an Transfiguration Orpheus and a Lyra Titan cartridge. For whatever reason (personal taste, system synergy, who knows?), he much preferred the Vector over the Phantom and preferred the Orpheus over the Lyra. On my own table, I currently use an Orpheus L (low output) cartridge. I also have a Lyra Titan (now quite old) that I think is a terrific cartridge too. Frankly, I cannot say which of the two I prefer.
I just sent a check off for a used Basis 2001 Signature w/ Vecter 4 arm. I am very much looking forward to setting up a quality analog rig (beats my Kenwood KD-52F and $50 cart.)It has been a long time! I have a new Denon DL103 but depending on what I hear...I will go from there. I do not what to spend a great deal of $$$ on a cartridge. I know there are many great carts that do not dent the wallet so any suggestions would be helpful.