Changing from an XV1-S

Hi All

I'm considering (read hankering) for a new cartridge. I have been using a Dynavector XV1-S for a while now and although it really is good I feel that other manufacturers have overtaken this recently with units that cost a 'tad' less.

It's going on my VPI Classis/ 10.5 and the new Whest PS.30RDT Special Edition/ Conrad Johnson ART MK1/ Levinson 331 Poweramp/ JM Lab Scala Utopia. The general sound from the system is excellent to bloody brilliant BUT having just heard an Ortofon Cadenza Black in the system I am led to believe that the XV1-S technology is 'getting on'.

A friend has recommended the Ortofon A90 or Lyra Titan.
Is there anything else I should look at?

My musical tastes are wide BUT do not include Opera, Classical or choir. I like vocals but love instumentals.

Thanks for your help - if I get any :)

So, after all of that; which is the "better" cartridge, a XV1's or an Ortofon A90, or maybe a Grado The Statement? :)
Good, better, or best is listener dependent.

I can think of a dozen cartridges that would be at the top of a "what's your favorite/best cartridge?" list.
Dcarol, thank you for addressing my concerns directly. You wrote:

>>The XV1-S was better than the Black in a lot of areas such as overall detail and 'togetherness' - the performance sounded like a whole and not just separate instruments playing a tune, if that makes any sense.<<

Good description, actually. Problem is that, for me, that is actually a description of "realism". And you seem to think that the Dyna is lacking in that area. Which is why I asked the question: What does realism mean to you? You also wrote:

>>What I liked about the Ortofon was the speed and 'etched' realism that the XV1-S seamed to lack in comparison.<<

"Etched" is probably one of the last words that I would use to describe a component that, to me, sounds realistic. Nonetheless, we all use different desriptive terminology; and I now have a much better sense of what changes in the sound of your analog playback you are persuing.
Stickman 451:

>>So, after all of that; which is the "better" cartridge, a XV1's or an Ortofon A90, or maybe a Grado The Statement? :)<<

For me:
1.Grado The Statement
3.Ortofon A90

For Dcarol (I would wager my Stax F-81's on this):
1.Ortofon A90
3.Grado The Statement

Interesting, no?
I have not heard as much as many others here , but i like the koetsu s , a stable wonderful performer very nice with voices (presence) , but i recon you wont go wrong with the ones you mentioned either

I had zyx 100 fs and the 2 current ones