Changing from an XV1-S

Hi All

I'm considering (read hankering) for a new cartridge. I have been using a Dynavector XV1-S for a while now and although it really is good I feel that other manufacturers have overtaken this recently with units that cost a 'tad' less.

It's going on my VPI Classis/ 10.5 and the new Whest PS.30RDT Special Edition/ Conrad Johnson ART MK1/ Levinson 331 Poweramp/ JM Lab Scala Utopia. The general sound from the system is excellent to bloody brilliant BUT having just heard an Ortofon Cadenza Black in the system I am led to believe that the XV1-S technology is 'getting on'.

A friend has recommended the Ortofon A90 or Lyra Titan.
Is there anything else I should look at?

My musical tastes are wide BUT do not include Opera, Classical or choir. I like vocals but love instumentals.

Thanks for your help - if I get any :)

Well I suppose I'll have to wait and hear the A90 for myself. No offense, Jazdoc, but that was not exactly a description of a cart's performance that I would gravitate to. Tighter bass, ok. I could deal with that just fine. However, this issue of musicians being more integrated or in unison sounds to me like another way of saying less resolving. But it is most likely just a matter of personal taste.

No offense taken ;-)

I probably did a poor job of describing what I was hearing. As a jazz lover, it catches my ear if the musicians sound like they are playing as an integrated unit (my preference) or are off doing their own thing. I don't want them to sound homogenized, rather I want to hear how the piano player's comping or the drummer's brushes are supporting the soloist, etc.

I hope you post your impressions once you get a chance to hear the A90. I certainly could understand if others have a preference for the XV1-S. It's a fun hobby ain't it?
IME a different or new sound can often be misinterpreted as "better".

I believe many hours are required to determine if the new component is better and as Dan said, it's still a subjective call.
I have spent 9 nmonths listening to the A90 and 9 years listening to the XV-1.

The A90 is the better cartridge overall. It is more pure, less sound of its own and sounds musically more coherent top to bottom. The XV-1 has a looser bigger bass and clearly more sparkle in the top end in direct comparison.