Changing from an XV1-S

Hi All

I'm considering (read hankering) for a new cartridge. I have been using a Dynavector XV1-S for a while now and although it really is good I feel that other manufacturers have overtaken this recently with units that cost a 'tad' less.

It's going on my VPI Classis/ 10.5 and the new Whest PS.30RDT Special Edition/ Conrad Johnson ART MK1/ Levinson 331 Poweramp/ JM Lab Scala Utopia. The general sound from the system is excellent to bloody brilliant BUT having just heard an Ortofon Cadenza Black in the system I am led to believe that the XV1-S technology is 'getting on'.

A friend has recommended the Ortofon A90 or Lyra Titan.
Is there anything else I should look at?

My musical tastes are wide BUT do not include Opera, Classical or choir. I like vocals but love instumentals.

Thanks for your help - if I get any :)

Frogman, you have articulated extremely important points. What ever the hobby, there is a dictionary for it; whether that dictionary be official or un-official. I have an "Electronics Dictionary", there is also an "Audiophile" dictionary. We have a unique language that "Goner's" should learn to speak; if they claim to be "Audiophiles".
Dear Downunder: IMHO I think that other than Thom_mackris XV-1t subject your opinion on the XV-1 against the A-90 could be different if you hear today in your system the XV1-s against the A-90, today things are better in the 1s over the XV-1 ( that I pefered years ago ).

In the other side the thread " owner " speaks on the XV-1s and not the " old " XV-1 you are refering.

I like both cartridges_ XV1-s and A-90. In my system I don't found out any low bass issue with the XV-1s but here depend on the tonearm match at tonearm/cartridge set up.

In the LOMC alternative the XV-1s is and belongs for me at the very top cartridge list and I think that other top rated LOMC cartridges ( like the A-90 that's very good. ) not necessary are better than the today XV-1s but more a little different.

Dcarol, maybe it is a better idea ( than the A-90 = to send your XV-1s to Dynavector for a retip whole job where your cartridge will come back to you with the latest up-dates.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dcarol: Sorry, I see/read that you already has the A-90 and like you better than the XV-1s, good.

Hi Raul

I bought an XV-1s a few years back and owned it for 6 months and preferred the sound of the XV-1, so I sold the XV-1s to a fiend of mine and bought another XV-1.

I have not indicated the XV-1 having any bass problems, in fact the just opposite. the comparison is v the A90 and not an absolute statement.
the XV-1 bass is looser and slight bigger than the A90. On some music that is welcome, on some not so much.

That is one of the joys of having multiple tables/cartridge as there is no cartridge that does it all.

XV-1t - I would luv to hear one, but way too many $$$ for me.
