Is loud needle talk good or bad?

Ok , somewhere in the resonant chain of cantilever-cartridge body-head, shell-arm, arm base is amplifying the vibration of the cantilever . Causing lots of needle talk. So.. Is loud needle talk good or bad? We are talking of a distance of 2 ft or more.
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I have actually used thin piece of Vinyl flooring,between cartridge and headshell ( use it for a shim ) and it works quite well............
The cartridge is a Dynavector XV1S . Graham Phantom II tonearm, Basis Debut turntable. VTF is 1.85g , VTA slightly up in the rear.
It's only a problem if you can hear it over the rest of your system. :-) Relax, enjoy.

And please don't try any of those "fixes" posted earlier with your particluar arm/cart. Well you can try them, but you'll absolutely hate the results.