There is no specific recommended loading for any cartridge -- a lot depends on your phonostage, your personal taste, etc. With well behaved phonostages that don't freak out and overload from the ultrasonic peak, it is possible for most moving coils to be operated almost unloaded (the higher the number the LOWER the loading, e.g., 47K or 100K). That would give the most open top end, but it could also mean excessive brightness and sibilance and an anemic bass response which is why some loading may be required.
The recommended 30 ohm minimum value represents an extreme amount of loading for most cartridges. When too much loading is applied (very LOW value resistor), overall signal level is reduced, the top end sounds shut down and the cartridge will sound bass heavy, slow and lifeless.
As a very rough guide, I would start at 15 times the internal impedance of the cartridge (90 ohms, in this case) as the low end and expect to find the ideal value somewhere above that number. As a pure guess, I bet something around 125-250 will work well.