Anyone (preferably with personal experience) care to describe the similarities/differences between the A90 with the ZYX UNIverse?
recently i've been involved in some tonearm development; to be perfectly clear my 'involvement' is me watching. i own a Talea tonearm and the designer has been making some improvements. he has used my room and system to verify performance on the changes he has made. in the last month or so he has been here 3 or 4 times. he uses his own Ortofon A90. he also owns a ZYX Universe. last fall; when he first brought his original prototype Talea arm over he used the Universe.
i don't want to put any words in his mouth. but he has basically told me that the A90 is simply a better cartridge and is what he uses for his arm development now. when he first brought his Universe over i preferred my A90 in my system since we switched the two cartridges back and forth. not that the Universe is not a fine cartridge. but the back and forth on the same arm exposed the Universe as simply not as detailed or dynamic.
i have now watched him set-up the A90 maybe 20-25 times in my room.....and then we listen. the A90 on my Talea is a force of nature. on the new Talea it is mystical.