The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Part 1 and 2 seem like a fair review/assessment.

The thing is years ago 901s at their going price were the cat's meow.

Nowadays, $1400 is nothing on the grand scale of things. IF these fit your bill, perhaps not a bad value there.

Screwing the Jetsons-era stands directly into the speaker in this day and age is pretty cheesy though!
Reprince , I don't like these 901's without the equalizer, the equalizer lets you hear the full potential of these 901's.. period ! It does NOT degrade the sound !

If you look down this page your see that Jeff did NOT use the equalizer with his reference gear and we all will find out about this in a few days when Jeff writes part three of this review...

He needs to hook up the bose equalizer with his reference interconnects and put it in his reference system and do this review the right way, he's being very unfair by not using the most important part of this 901 system !!
I did not figure to read so much about Bose in a thread with this title. Might need to listen to them again, last time was, hmmmm, March 19th, 2:30 AM, 1979, or was it 1980?
Pubul57 , I think these latest 901's are one of the very best bargains I have ever come across and after you do a few easy mods to them, remove all those fiberglass grilles and cover all the plastic parts sticking way out on the back side of these speakers with teflon tape.

The better the source gear and interconnects and speaker cables are, the better these 901's will sound !!

I'm also using some RCA to XLR adapters I got here on audiogon from Ed Houston so I could use my CD Balance inputs on my Yamaha a-s2000 integrated amp. I have my bose equalizer between my CD player and my CD Balance inputs. Using these Balance inputs really got my 901's to SING like never before !!...