Help with Cartridge selection

I am in the process of setting up my first analog system in 20+ years. I bought a Basis 2100 but before it was shipped upgraded to the 2200 Signature w/ Vector 4 tonearm.
I listen to Jazz 75% of the time then everything else.
This is my third thread.... now I need help with a mid/low priced mc cartridge. I have narrowed my list to these:

1. Lyra Delos
2. Lyra Argo i
3 Ortofon Cadenza Blue or Red
4. Dynavector 20X-H
5. Dynavector Karat 17DS
6. Benz Micro Glider S
7. Soundsmith SWWC1 or Aida (MI cart)

I have been told by one seasoned anolog vet. That the Dynavector 10X5 would hold it's own with any of these carts. Any comments or suggestion would be welcomed and appreciated!

My system:
Pass Labs Xono
Aesthetix Calypso
Pass Labs Aleph 3s (2) bi-amp.
Audio Physic Virgo IIs
Rel Storm IIIs (2)
Mixed up bunch of wires.

Thanks for your help again,
Definitly a lot of information and great recommendation. I thank you all! I will be referring to this thread in the future when I upgrade.
I have decided on the Dynavector DL20X-L, at $750 it is a good starting point. I know with my other gear it has been a work in progress for years, I know the same will be true with my cartridge selection. I'm always tempted to go for the best I can afford but I need to establish an ear for my system with the added TT. I need to hear the improvements that are sure to come as I get a feel for the analog sound back in my home.
Dougdeacon- After reading your review (I did find it..duh)
of the ZYX Atmos I was very tempted to forget my budjet limits...lucky for me I could not figure out how to get a price for one or even if they are still available. I did find plenty of the 4D's for way more than I can spend at this point!
I think my TT is about 2 weeks out...plenty of time to get a cartridge.
Anyone want to chime in on the Benz Micro Ruby (wood body) low output 0.3mv cart.
New Dynavector dv20x or slightly used Benz Micro Ruby?
I have a Dyna XVS, a Benz Ebony LP, and a Benz Ebony H. I listen to all kinds of music and for me, the Benz sound has a bit more more of reality of what I think is live music, than the Dyna. I must add that the H is in some ways even better than the LP, but the LP is the best for these ears.
Buy a new Dynavector DV20X-L or a 40hr used (40hr) original Benz Micro Rudy wood body?
TT will be a Basis 2200 signature W/Vector4 arm.