Question on Cardas Frequency Sweep & burn in LP

Does anyone use this LP for breakin in cartridges ?
How long do you guys run in it the lock up mode ?
What is the difference between these tracks ?

Track 2. 20 locked grooves, lateral modulation (mono)

1/2” wide, unmodulated plateau

Track 3. 32 locked grooves, vertical modulation (out-of phase)

1/2” wide, unmodulated plateau

Track 4. 20 locked grooves, lateral modulation (mono)

Which track of the 3 is best for breakin in a cart ? or the tonearm wires ?

Thanks for the help,
Has anyone done comparisons of the Cardas Frequency Sweep and Burn In LPs (versions 1 or 2) vs the ClearAudio Cartridge Break-In Record? If so what were your thoughts or results.
I use the Cardas cuts 2a, b, and c of the first version LP to "wake up" cartridges I have not used in a long time or to break in a new cartridge. The results seem to be beneficial, emphasis on "seem". But how could anyone have anything but a subjective opinion about the relative merits of each of the three break-in LPs you mention? One cannot do any sort of controlled comparison, because any given cartridge, once it's been run any single one of the 3 discs, has been changed from its new or unused state. It's kind of like wondering whether you should have married this girl or that girl (or guy) post facto.
Stressed? Me?
While my audiophilia does cause occasional stress, it is never around whether I am using the "best" test LP. I think Mr. Cardas realized that the best way to enhance the profits from his first test LP was to make another.
Last year I had to have my VDH GLA III Grasshopper rebuilt by AJ. Because I have a better sounding turntable than the one the Grasshopper is on, I don't play it much.  It has around 45 hours on it total.  Top and midrange sound fine, but the bass is not what I remembered.

Recently I read that it may not sound best until it reaches 300 hours.  At that rate, I may never get the bass the cartridge is capable of.  So I will probably get the Cardas Frequency Sweep Record, and run tracks 2,3, & 4 locked grooves for 20 minutes each.