Question on Cardas Frequency Sweep & burn in LP

Does anyone use this LP for breakin in cartridges ?
How long do you guys run in it the lock up mode ?
What is the difference between these tracks ?

Track 2. 20 locked grooves, lateral modulation (mono)

1/2” wide, unmodulated plateau

Track 3. 32 locked grooves, vertical modulation (out-of phase)

1/2” wide, unmodulated plateau

Track 4. 20 locked grooves, lateral modulation (mono)

Which track of the 3 is best for breakin in a cart ? or the tonearm wires ?

Thanks for the help,
hey guys, thank you so much for the comments here. Appreciate it & i understand where you guys are coming from.
I'll take your advice, and will shelf the Cardas test LP.
I'll enjoy playing regular music!!

thank you!!! have a great day everyone.
I like the Cardas record. As far as break in, I won't even consider listening to a cartridge without running each of the sweep tracks for about 20 minutes each, an hour in total.

With 3 different cartridges, there have been 2 different results. With a Denon 103R and AT 120E, the Cardas worked very well to speed up the break in process. With a retipped 103R it did not seem to work as well, but still resulted in a fairly speedy post Cardas break in.

When I read of a cartridge breaking/burning in after 5-7 hours after some time spent with the Cardas the question begs to be asked: how long would that cartridge taken to open up without that time spent on the sweeps. I don't know of many cartridges that open up at the 5 to 7 hour mark.

My experience with the Denon is at least 15 hours for partial break-in without the Cardas. The AT 120E has a reputation for 75 to 100 hours. Out of the box it was unlistenable. With an hour on the Cardas they were both different, and much better cartridges.

I like the Cardas record and use it regularly as a maintenance tool with the sweeps and wouldn't be without it with respect to burn in.
Has anyone done comparisons of the Cardas Frequency Sweep and Burn In LPs (versions 1 or 2) vs the ClearAudio Cartridge Break-In Record? If so what were your thoughts or results.
I use the Cardas cuts 2a, b, and c of the first version LP to "wake up" cartridges I have not used in a long time or to break in a new cartridge. The results seem to be beneficial, emphasis on "seem". But how could anyone have anything but a subjective opinion about the relative merits of each of the three break-in LPs you mention? One cannot do any sort of controlled comparison, because any given cartridge, once it's been run any single one of the 3 discs, has been changed from its new or unused state. It's kind of like wondering whether you should have married this girl or that girl (or guy) post facto.