Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
Dear Lewm: TT mats are critical on any analog rig. Our blend propietary build material makes very good job and perhaps in the future could be available to the public, what stops us to do it is that the material is to expensive but obviously that that " expensive " level depends on the " rewards " when using it: we will see.

Yes, you are right about the SP10 2 and 3, things was that I did not compare it bis a bis and the last time I heard the 3 was on Steve Doobins system and even that was a good experience I can't say that the 3 performance was excellent but only a good one.
What I'm hearing through my Denon DP-75 is just outstanding, I don't have on hand a SP10MK3 but what I remember is way out of the DP-75 naken performance level.

Yes, agree with you about marble and I don't know how easy is to " excite " 40kg of marble through a Denon TT.

Btw, when I bought my Denons I remember I bought each one as stand alone TT/motor units where I can choosed between different plinths and tonearms.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Dover: No, I can't re-review not 200 but even 20 cartridges again. IMHO the ones I top rated could be stay in that way because the Denon TT contributes the less to performance degradation in the same way for the top and lesser one cartridges, of course that could be one or two " surprises " with the lesser cartridge but I don't thing so in that way.

What is clear to me is that every time distorion system goes lower each one audio item system link quality performance goes higher and shows additional " things " that were hiden through those now lower distortions.

As I said it several times: differences on system quality performance level depends mainly on distortion levels on each system. IMHO the name of the game in our beloved high end audio world are: distortions distortion levels and distortion level means accuracy levels.
I always look for neutrality that for me means: accuracy and low low distortions ( every kind. ).

Many of us are in love with our each system distortions till step by step and time to time we are aware of those distortions and when we improve/lower those distortions then we fall/take in count that what we was hearing ( higher distortions ) was way wrong even that we liked.

Normally we are aware of distortions when those distortions goes lower. If nothing change in our systems we can't or is almost imposible to be aware of those distortions other than comparing it to other systems.

I discussed several times with other Agoners about distortions and some of these persons give me answers like this : " if those are distortions so be it because that's the way I liked ".

My system as all other audio systems has its own distortions but I can say that today the distortions in my system are really low and this fact makes a difference for the better not easy to imagine and understand it only when you heard/hear it.

Unfortunately the AHEE accustomed to almost all of us to hear high distortions through our systems and those distortions high levels are part inherent on our each one audio system but IMHO we need to improve about asking: hey is there something wrong in my system? where? why? how can I improve over? and all these is a hard exercise that needs certain knowledge level to achieve new system quality performance targets. I continue on this very well rewarded system improves quest.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear friends: What are in common between these TTs other that are TTs: Denon DP-80/75, Garrads, Kenwood Lo70, Technics SP10s, Sota ones, SME 20s, Michel, Roksans, VPIs, Project, Oracle, Exclusive, Linn, etc, etc, ?

Regards and enjoy the music,

May I ask why you put your Denon DP80 and 75 in the storage closet in the first place?
"What are in common between these TTs other that are TTs: Denon DP-80/75, Garrads, Kenwood Lo70, Technics SP10s, Sota ones, SME 20s, Michel, Roksans, VPIs, Project, Oracle, Exclusive, Linn, etc, etc, ?"

Some sound good. Some sound REALLY good. And some of them are not so good, IMO. But your point is well taken. Drive technology per se is not the sole determinant of what is going to give one pleasure.

Dear Dover, I would not go so far as to say that "wood" (any kind of wood) cannot make for a good plinth. Just that the laminate used by Denon was not so great, although the way they constructed the DK300 plinth was ahead of its time, I think. These days there are some excellent wood plinths being made and sold, by all accounts. I did not mean to start another "plinth war".