Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
A thought just occurred. Has anyone tried a DD TT with a plinth but with the arms mounted on external pods? Comparing that configuration to the same TT nude might shed light on the effect that a plinth has on the TT versus the effect on the tonearm.

Aigenga, I think that's a better idea than the typical "nude" approach by putting footers underneath the bottom cover. Glad you got good result from that. I always maintain there's really no true "nude" turntable in a direct drive system because the turntable itself is a plinth in holding the motor. So the motor is the real nudist. What I really want to see is to take the motor out and put it in a plinth can compare that to a nude style a la Halcro and Raul.

Thanks for the nude pictures! :-D

Dear Aigenga: What a coincidence. That's exactly the way I made my very first attempt to " nude " my both Denons in its marble and onyx weighty plints and the way I tested last weeks where the motors were seated onsmall tiptoes in the stone plinths.

Lewm that's the way I give you an advise several months ago for you can chech your Denon and Technics with your customs plinths, where the plints in reality function as a whole arm boards.

Thank's for the pictures.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Hiho: Maybe I'm a to " slow " here to understand your post. What do you mean with " take the motor out " when the motor is integral part of the bearing/platter?, maybe I can take out all the TT inside electronics but I can't understand the other way around: could you explain me?: thnak's.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Interesting solution Aigenga and nice photos.
I think you have successfully removed your TT-101 from it's plinth and can claim to be running officially 'nude' :^)
It would be good to hear your impressions in more detail when you become more accustomed to the sounds?