Hi Mab,
Welcome to the TT-101 Club.
It's certainly growing?
You're fortunate indeed to have found one in good working order as the complexity of the innards looks quite daunting?
With all these nude Victors now in use.......someone suggested a 'package deal' on my cast bronze armpods?
I would like to oblige but there are many impracticalities involved in making these:-
1. I designed the height to suit the cones under the nude turntable and the selected spikes screwed into the bases of the pods.
2. The spikes for the base of the pod need to be selected so that the right diameter holes can be drilled and tapped.
3. The casting of the bronze is just the first process.
4. The rough casting then needs to be taken to an automotive shop for a 2 pack polyurethane paint finish to be applied.
5. The painted casting then needs to be taken to a machine shop for the drilling and tapping of the top fixing holes and the bottom spike holes.
6. The machine shop then needs to fabricate the thick linished aluminium top plates to be screwed to the base and which needs purpose made fitting and fixing holes depending on the arm to be used?
7. The finished assembly then needs to be protected and packed in a sturdy box which will take the weight (13Kg....approx 29lb)
8, This 30lb box then needs to be shipped overseas.
The costs of doing all this would be prohibitive IMHO?
However.....I have all the design drawings which I am quite happy to Email to anyone who might be interested in having it done at their locality.
Just let me know?
Have you had a chance to set up the turntable and listen to it in some sort of fashion?
Welcome to the TT-101 Club.
It's certainly growing?
You're fortunate indeed to have found one in good working order as the complexity of the innards looks quite daunting?
With all these nude Victors now in use.......someone suggested a 'package deal' on my cast bronze armpods?
I would like to oblige but there are many impracticalities involved in making these:-
1. I designed the height to suit the cones under the nude turntable and the selected spikes screwed into the bases of the pods.
2. The spikes for the base of the pod need to be selected so that the right diameter holes can be drilled and tapped.
3. The casting of the bronze is just the first process.
4. The rough casting then needs to be taken to an automotive shop for a 2 pack polyurethane paint finish to be applied.
5. The painted casting then needs to be taken to a machine shop for the drilling and tapping of the top fixing holes and the bottom spike holes.
6. The machine shop then needs to fabricate the thick linished aluminium top plates to be screwed to the base and which needs purpose made fitting and fixing holes depending on the arm to be used?
7. The finished assembly then needs to be protected and packed in a sturdy box which will take the weight (13Kg....approx 29lb)
8, This 30lb box then needs to be shipped overseas.
The costs of doing all this would be prohibitive IMHO?
However.....I have all the design drawings which I am quite happy to Email to anyone who might be interested in having it done at their locality.
Just let me know?
Have you had a chance to set up the turntable and listen to it in some sort of fashion?