Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
Dear Nikola,
Big spikes are necessary to counter the large deflection of my cantilevered shelf :-)
I grabbed the slotted metal surround screen and held a magnet against it………..
This screen was magnetic steel!

Strange for a TT that is marketed with the word laboratory ?

Just kidding Henry – cool looking project. Looks like you are having a lot of fun.

I like Banquo’s use of the word “steampunk aesthetic” which if what we were looking at was all analog stuff would work for me. I have stared at too many digital circuit boards so I would be inclined to want to keep it under covers myself. From what I have heard about parts availability for that JVC I would want to prevent a setup that could cause an accident pulling of some wire ?

My recommendation holds to put the table and the armpods on a dedicated shelf supported by decouplers – the AT616’s come to mind. Even though you are on the wall already.....

Now I realize you are in beta trial mode and the setup is being tweaked but is that an old Canadian penny shimming the left armpod ? :^)

Did you not remember my 'incident' when I had the ground cable connected to one of the Halcro amps (as it wasn't long enough to reach the preamp?
After placing the Victor on the copper Fidelity Research Cu-180 platter mat to test 'isolation'.......when I turned on the power....I blew up the Halcro phono stage and also the Dyna XV-1s cartridge which was connected at the time.
A very expensive exercise.....

Since then I have not had the ground wire connected (my previous TT-81 did not even have one)......and all three arms use fully balanced XLR interconnects.
Nice work Ecir,
You're close to being a fully-fledged member of the 'Copernican Club'?
What material is that surrounding your Victor (is it a TT-71 or 81?)?.
It's really neat....but how do you manage with ventilation?
And those arm-pods are impressive.
Are they bronze?
How long till you're able to 'play'?
The magnetic field being produced by the transformer and power supply (even with power switch of the platter not activated) so great that it has managed to induce a magnetic attraction in the 316 stainless steel flat bars of the cradle.
316 stainless steel is NON magnetic!!

With the original mild steel perforated cover surrounding this magnetic field completely......I cannot imagine it being a GOOD thing?
Why did the Victor engineers not think so?