Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
Hi Chris,
You will also hear more difference if you put a shelf just big enough to hold the TT and armpods on your existing shelf and decouple it further.
“Differences” can be dangerous?
There are many things in this strange hobby of ours which can make our systems sound “different”?
This is really not what I am after….nor you I think?
I am after a closer approximation of ‘fidelity’….a truth to source and a decrease in the many distortions which so easily manifest themselves?

35 years ago….I read that someone found putting solid rubber balls (cut in half) under each corner of the speaker……decouples the speaker and resulted in better sound.
I bought 4 rubber balls the size of tennis balls and cut them in half and placed each half under the corners of my speakers.
I must admit I didn’t hear a vast difference….but I listened like this for over a year until I read the theory of rigid speaker de-coupling via spikes?

Ralph Karsten of Atmasphere states quite eloquently….that with an outboard phono-stage, if the sound changes depending on interconnects used…..then one or both sets of interconnects is wrong and is adding (or subtracting) its own colourations.

You may be right that placing my whole turntable system upon another shelf which sits on isolators will change the sound?
If I then proceed to change those isolators….most likely the sound will change again?
Why is that ‘better’?….and who determines that it is?
I bought a complete set of Stillpoint Ultra Minis and placed them under my TT-101 instead of the spikes.
The sound changed not one iota! That was a good sign :-)
This is a test that you should do Chris……and also Dgob?
Anyone wanna buy a set of Stillpoint Ultra Minis? :-)

If your system is indeed improved by the added shelf and footers……I suspect that placing a Minus K stand under your turntable will make a bigger ‘difference’? One that may be …”hard to let go.”
Something to consider Chris?
At some stage….we all need to be comfortable with the choices and compromises we have made based on experience, learning and intellect.
The never-ending quest for ‘fidelity’ goes on :-)
You may be right Ecir?
But I think the sound changes are more complex than the simple support?
And the fact that the speed read-out hits 33.33 rpm straight off every time instead of hitting 33.32 rpm for 3 seconds before moving up to 33.33 rpm.....indicates an electro-magnetic improvement to me?
What we really for Banquo to remove the outer sheet and report what he hears as his leg supports are under the turntable rim like mine now are.......and his has always been like that.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly?........
Are you proposing using spikes with only one of them contacting the shelf material directly....whilst the other two have plastic discs placed under them?
And could you please explain what you mean by an "earth loop" in this situation?
agree with you. i would also go for something between the spikes and the shelf. Harmonix has fantastic small plates to put the spikes on (not that much expensive). Does it change the sound? Yes, definitely!
Or you end up with putting the table on a Harmonix RSB-1 platform. Does it change the sound? Yes! Does it change your budget? Oh yes...