SME IV.Vi or V tonearm: different internal wiring

I might have a problem with my SME IV.Vi's internal wiring(Magnan Vi). Naturally, I would be somewhat apprehensive about replacing it with different wire. I understand SME no longer uses the Magnan Vi. I'd appreciate any impressions you SME IV.Vi or V owners might have who have rewired with Cardas, Discovery or any other brand. Specifically, how do any of these compare soundwise with the Magnan Vi? Thanks very much.
Do not take you SME arm apart to change the wiring. You will nver get it back together. I have had both and both sound wonderful. I think the Vi might be a better arm becuase it is a much simpler design the V does have better wire
Actually, I would never think of tampering with the arm myself. If something has to be done, it will be taken care of by someone who's in the business of dealing with rewiring arms. I've also had both the V and IV.Vi, and like you, have preferred the sound of the IV.Vi, probably in part because of the Magnan Vi wire inside. The Vs have been factory wired typically with Van Den Hul, which, based on what I've gathered so far from comments of some of the others who have owned it, is not exactly the "cat's meow".
So that there is no misunderstanding, my comment above refers specifically to the Van Den Hul internal wiring and not the SME V arm itself.
I can here very little difference so I assuming the wire in the V and Vi is very similar? I would not bother changing the wire on the Vi. a better phono cable would make a bigger difference. If you decide to have the arm re-wired have SME do it. I know a great tech who modifies and re-wires Rega and other arms but he will touch an SME arm!