I want to upgrade, But , to which table ?

I'm currently using a belt dr.Pioneer from the 70's.
I have mostly an R&R/Blues album collection. I have been thinking about stepping up to a serious table for a while and am ready to pull the trigger on either a VPI scout, or an Rega 5, or 7 if i can snag one for a good price. I was wondering what you guys would suggest, for my interest's and budget ($1500 or so). Cartridge budget about $500.
Any of the 3 you've mentioned will be like night and day. Having owned a Scout, I highly recommend that table with a Dynavector cartridge. I used a 10X5 and a 17D3 and both were stellar.
Also add JA Michell Gyrodec SE to your list, it's within your price range used, and still highly regarded in the UK press (I used to own one). The VPI Scout is also an excellent choice at this price level.
And Nottingham. Not familiar with VPI and Rega but I heard an opinion that, generally speaking, VPI is "slow" and Rega "hectic".