What new tube amplifiers are good for Thiel CS7

Currently driving Thiels with Levinson 332 amp and 38 preamp. I am considering going to high end tube amplification on recommendation of friends. Turntable is new Oracle MK VI with JA Michell arm and Lyra Delos cartridge. No room for monos.
Dear Zxzzorro: That a tube amplifier like the Vac can " hadle " the Thiels can't means in any way that that amplifier or IMHO any other tube amp really could honored your Thiel's quality performance level it has due to its electrical impedance curve, phase angle and low sensitivity.

If you want to change the electronics you own INHO with that speakers the best you can do is to looka good SS design amplifier with at least 200 watts at 8 Ohms and with a low output impedance as: 0.05 Ohms.

Matching the speakers electrical impedance curve with the amplifier output impedance IMHO is a must to have if any one aspire first rate quality performance with low low colorations. This matching speaker/amplifier subject is extremely important but we audiophiles don't take in count because we have a misunderstood about ( low knowledge. ) and because no one out there and inside the AHEE has interest to fully disclose it.

If the speaker/amplifier has a mistmatch on the electrical impedance what you achieve is only a colored, inaccurate and degraded quality performance level.

So what are your targets about? , any tube amp can makes " sound/noise " with those speakers but not any tube amps could be a good match. I think you have a lot of great SS options for those speakers where you can attain top quality performance level.

If I remember the ST reviewer use with those Thiels VAC, VTL, Lamm, Krell and ML ampliifers and at the end he prefered the ML's over not only the Krell but the other tube ones. But even if the reviewer was biased in anyway that does not change the Thiel's needs for a low output impedance amplifier that no tube design could give you.

Of course that this is only an opinion and the good one is the one from you.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hello Raul,

I agree with you that some Thiels could be be amplified by good tubes and with good results too .. but not all the Thiels.

I own the Thiel CS 2.4 and due to a deep (2.7 ohms) in a critical area it's really difficult for a tube amp to drive.
In fact the CS 2.4 needs a really good solid state, but one with lotsa current (amperes)
For this reason I bought a pair Parasound Halo JC1's and these are perfect to feed my 2.4 without to care about any deep.
Now I'm in heaven .. if listening a pair Thiel CS 2.4 can be considered heavenly.
Previous owner of my CS 2.4 owner used two Audio Research Classic 120 (tube amps) , but he preferred to sell Thiels while to change amps.

My cent!
If I were to keep the Levinson 332 amp and elect just to replace the Levinson 38 preamp with a tube preamp, what would be the best alternatives with an $8000 budget limit? is this an type of upgrade worth such an expense?
Dear Audpulse: Are you really recommending an OTL amplifier design for those Thiel's?, if yes then IMHO you have no single idea of what means matching speaker electrical impedance curve with an amplifier output impedance and obviously you don't have idea why that speaker/amplifier impedance matching is a must to have.

On this subject tube OTL amplifier design is the worst of the worst choice for those speakers, please read about Ohm Law before give that kind of advise.

Regards and enjoy the music,