Ditto the Jelco. I've been playing around with a 750D for a little while and it performs quite well.
Just to provide an additional option, the Micro Seiki MA-505 seems quite good also, maybe a step up from the Jelco. The MS arm would require a different armboard since its geometry is different. Used 505s are around for about the price as a new Jelco.
Armboards for a HW-19 Mk 3 are quite easy to make. It's simply a 1/2" thick piece of acrylic, readily available in bulk. For a few bucks you can get a sheet of black 1/2" acrylic that will keep you in armboards far beyond the useful life of the turntable. Just cut, drill and polish. Poke around here as a source:
Good luck.
Just to provide an additional option, the Micro Seiki MA-505 seems quite good also, maybe a step up from the Jelco. The MS arm would require a different armboard since its geometry is different. Used 505s are around for about the price as a new Jelco.
Armboards for a HW-19 Mk 3 are quite easy to make. It's simply a 1/2" thick piece of acrylic, readily available in bulk. For a few bucks you can get a sheet of black 1/2" acrylic that will keep you in armboards far beyond the useful life of the turntable. Just cut, drill and polish. Poke around here as a source:
Good luck.