Vintage Thorens turntable -Good or Bad?

I recently purchased a TD126 MkII. I have yet to set it up. I hope I have not made bad purchase. I first read good things about this deck . The shop I took it to for service, thinks it's not worth investing in it. and suggested not getting a cartridge costing more than $100.
Brooks Berdan Ltd suggested a Grado Blue and leaving it at that. Any opinions on this deck? And what can I do to get the best performance from this deck or did I buy a lemon model of Thorens...
The TD126 mkII would have been the top of the line Thorens deck in its era. Mid seventies iirc. Electronic speed control. A frequency generator. In this iteration Thorens was still using an AC synchronous motor of small watts output. The model was then and still is today well thought of. A high-end player for its time and, when well set up with an appropriate tonearm/cartridge, competitive with some serious players of this era.

The TD126 mkII will come standard with the TP16 mkII tonearm. This is a relatively low mass arm that was designed to mate well with high compliance moving magnet cartridges of that era. Today you might want to try a different tonearm. But the standard arm could still deliver good music. It is the limiting factor today, however.

It was the TD126 mkIII that tried the disastrous DC servo-loop motor controller ( on a belt drive player) fiasco... That model was initially poorly thought of but Thorens continued to develop the model on into the 1990's.

Fortunately you have the mkII which is desirable.

Unfortunately the deck is old enough to require a thorough clean-up. Typically the electrolytics (caps and resistors) in the speed control circuitry will need to be replaced, since these dry out over time.... And there has been time.

Your typical radio repair shop (if you can still find one)will no longer have significant knowledge in turntable repairs or setup. A full generation has grown up not living with the Lp and its players.

Generally, it is the diy'ers that delve into the world of vintage Thorens players.
Thanks TD160 for offering pertinent info (unlike the "pissing in the punch bowl" response of Syntax).

Yes, parts on the board may need replacing, but the OP lives in LA (as do I) and there should be local qualified tech's available.

They (the caps) might be operating OK @ this point, but replacement is something that does now, or will be in the future, need to be considered.

All gear requires proper maintenance, so this is not a negative, IMO, for a vintage deck as such steps/expense should offer many years of trouble free use.

I'll suggest the OP (original poster) run a query through the vinyl forum @ AA ( as there are many Thorens fans/owners that frequent the site.

I've considered the II/IV versions with the stock arms as it would be much easier for my wife to use, (than my TD125/SME combo) plus it plays 78's and it's a very musical deck.
FWIW, I contacted Thorens USA when I wanted to have my TD-160 MkII serviced. They directed me to a tech they knew well and trusted. Might be worth an email.
What makes this a wonderful hobby is we can use different combo within our own budget to get our own audio nirvana. I don't think it's a lemon as long as it's still in good a reasonable price. It will be a disaster if we incline to use the same brand of TT, cart, phono...etc.

Disregard those "arrogant" comments and enjoy the music;)

I've recently come upon the same model in a possible sale. The owner is asking $525 for the Thorens 126 mk ii in excellent condition. With a shure m97ex cartridge (not a pricey item, to say the least).

Any thoughts on that? I would think this is a fine vintage TT, but it's still old, no doubt needs tlc under the hood, has basic cart, and high price. What might a fair market value be for such an item?

Or should I take that 400-550$ US elsewhere in search of re-entry TT?