SME 312S versus SME V-12

These are SME's two 12" arms. The difference is that the 312S has a detachable headshell for azimuth/cartridge swapping and static VTF while the V-12 has a fixed headshell/continuous arm tube and dynamic VTF.

Has anyone heard and compared these arms to each other? I just retested static versus dynamic VTF on my SME V arm and prefer the dynamic, so that may answer my question, but I'm curious to read what others think of these two arms as I've never heard them. Thanks.
Aloha Sutherk.
Thanks so much for the warning/insight.
You really have me excited.
So interesting to hear that the doubters could be right ...for the wrong reasons.
I just couldn't accept the lifeless tag....too many great reviews and comments from those who love the table.
So I will take extra care when it comes to setting up my new baby.
I will look into the set up gear you suggested.
I'm toying with the idea of getting a SoundSmith StrainGauge cartridge.
Many mahalos!

I'm fascinated by your comment about azimuth. I know that properly setting this is critical, but I had assumed that with a top cartridge (cantilever and cartridge aligned and mounted straight) and an arm as good as the V-12, azimuth adjustability was not necessary. Your comment has me rethinking the differences between these two arms. I believe the V-12 may be available with a detachable headshell, like the SME V arm is. I only wish the SME arms had a continuous wire.

Congratulations on your table.

I hear you. Yes, the cartridge I am currently using is a ZYX Omega copper and whilst the cantilever is mounted straight in the cartridge (only line-of-sight but my eye says ok), according to the Adjust+ software the azimuth angle of the stylus was 2.5 degrees out. Under magnification, the stylus is at an obvious angle. I find that unexpected and disappointing in a $3k cartridge (approx price here in Australia) and may indicate why the price of these ZYX cartridges fluctuates wildly around the world.

So in your original statement where it shouldn't matter, you are absolutely correct. But where the headshell is removable, even though the SME folks have designed a great locking mechanism that pretty much snaps in, there is a small amount of rotational movement allowed for the azimuth correction so it is best to understand if you have the headshell correctly aligned even if the cartridge is perfectly aligned within itself anyway.

So if your headshell is integrated into the arm and not moveable and you know the cartridge to be perfectly aligned within itself then there would be no need for azimuth correction. I always suspected the Omega cartridge was not quite right and the Adjust+ software simply horrified me as to how much it was out of rotational alignment.
Sutherk -
I use a ZYX Universe as one of the cartridges with my 312S. I adjust the azimuth with a Fozgometer. I imagine there are few perfectly aligned cartridges not needing some azimuth tweaking, even if minor in degree, regardless of price.
So how do you like the Fozgometer?
I have read about it and the Feickert and I think I might prefer the Fz because it takes it's signal directly from the cartridge and not from the phono amp.
Plus you don't need to use a computer.
Although you can do more testing with the Feickert I guess.
But I'll probably wait to see what the new SoundSmith Cartright can do...although it could be a while as Peter Lendermann told me he still has to get it into production. It should do VTF, overhang, azimuth, SRA and anti skating.