I've bought a 2nd turntable which can only be placed 7 ft from my Preamp with inbuilt phonostage. Would the capacitance be too great in phono cables this long? I don't want to buy a separate phono stage for the new turntable as it would be hard to compete with the inbuilt one in the Halcro DM10.
7 ft may not be a problem but any longer than that if you do A/B comparision you will find decresed resolution.
I experimented 1.2m, 1,5m, 2m, 4m and 6m on my both high out put and low output cartridge ( two diff turntables, diff phonos) using same cable make and found 1.5 m was optimumm with 2m being okay (hair lower resolution) and detrioting significantly as you go longer. At 4m it became pretty obvious.
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