VPI Scout II questions

Hi all

I just picked up one of these and was wondering why you don't hear much about them? All input welcome pros & cons.

Probably because the classic came out and we audiofools love the newest latest and bestest. I actually have heard both and was not blown away by the classic. I think that the scout series is a great table and offers a nice upgrade path for those that want it.
Thanks guys

another question if I may. Which of these carts would be best for this TT, I have the following a new Shure V15 VxMR,Dynavector DV-10x5, AT440mla or some thing else with in the < $1000.00. I will have the TT in a few days, just wondering.

Since I am a Dynavector dealer as well as a VPI dealer I will recuse myself on the 10.5. Two cartridges I like a lot that I am not a dealer for are the AT 33 EV and the Denon 304. Both Low Output MCs but you could get either and a Bob's Devices SUT and still be under $1000. J&R have the 33 for $399.99 on occasion. The OC9 is good also, I have an older one. Where are you getting the Shure, a NOS one?
Hi thanks for the reply. Yes it's NOS, a guy had one with the plastic still on. I was lucky.

I have a scout with the Dynevector 20X HO. It is a superb combination with the Graham Slee Phono Stage I have. I think you can get the 20X in the medium output still. It would be worth a shot.