VPI Scout II questions

Hi all

I just picked up one of these and was wondering why you don't hear much about them? All input welcome pros & cons.

Thanks guys

another question if I may. Which of these carts would be best for this TT, I have the following a new Shure V15 VxMR,Dynavector DV-10x5, AT440mla or some thing else with in the < $1000.00. I will have the TT in a few days, just wondering.

Since I am a Dynavector dealer as well as a VPI dealer I will recuse myself on the 10.5. Two cartridges I like a lot that I am not a dealer for are the AT 33 EV and the Denon 304. Both Low Output MCs but you could get either and a Bob's Devices SUT and still be under $1000. J&R have the 33 for $399.99 on occasion. The OC9 is good also, I have an older one. Where are you getting the Shure, a NOS one?
Hi thanks for the reply. Yes it's NOS, a guy had one with the plastic still on. I was lucky.

I have a scout with the Dynevector 20X HO. It is a superb combination with the Graham Slee Phono Stage I have. I think you can get the 20X in the medium output still. It would be worth a shot.
I would second the AT OC9MLII--I've been using one for the past few weeks in my Scout and am very impressed by the sound. I've run Dyna 20XH, 20XM and XX2MkII in the same table but not in a straight comparison with the OC9 since other equipment came and went BUT I can tell you that the OC9 is acquitting itself rather nicely!

With regard to the Classic, way to swim against the current Davt. I haven't heard it yet but I really don't get what all the excitement is about. There are aspects of the Classic design that appear to be steps backward compared with the Scout series and other elements that would not appear to be significant improvements yet everyone keeps raving about this table. I'm scratching my head and waiting to hear it for myself.