Help with used TT choices: Music Hall vs Thorens

I am getting back into vinyl after 15-20 years and need advice to get the best bang for my buck. I have the opportunity to purchase a Music Hall mmf-7 for a very reasonable price or a Thorens TD-166 for about $250 (MUCH closer to my budget). Is one much better than the other? Should I wait and save to be able to afford a better table or will I be able to live with one of these for a long time? I'll be using a Cambridge 640 P phono-pre. My system: Spica TC-50 speakers which produce great soundstage, imaging and low level/ambient sound. Cayin TA-30 tube amp, CAL Alpha DAC/NAD for transport, Pinnacle subs. At it's best (to use the words of my wife) it sounds like we're in the recording studio. I'm hoping for a TT that gets me more of that.
Don't forget to consider a cartridge and making sure it has a good stylus. An inexpensive cartridge will run you $90 or so and can easily go up from there.
Do these tables include cartridges and arms?
Thanks. I should have included this info: They both are being sold with cartridges mounted. I'm not sure about which cartridge is being sold with the Music Hall but it may be it's original cartridge ("Goldring Eroica H high output MC"), although I'm not sure. The Thorens TT is the TD-166 "MK II" and has an Ortofon OM 10 mounted.
Hi, Dakajoba; is the mmf-7 turntable the original mmf-7 with the aluminum Pro-Ject 9 tone arm or the upgraded version with the Pro-Ject 9c or 9cc tone arm? Depending on which tone arm is included it would make a difference in what the turntable is worth. I've been running mmf-7 turntables for years and even after upgrading to a much more expensive turntable setup I still listen to the mmf-7 occasionally when I want a change of pace. (No pun intended.) As to how it compares to the Thorens TD-166 Mk2 I cannot comment since I've never heard a TD-166 Mk2. But if the mmf-7 and Eroica H are in good shape and (depending on the tone arm that's included) the price is a good deal, I don't think you'd be dissapointed in the mmf-7.

The Goldring Eroica H cartridge now lists for $600 to $750 but it came included with the mmf-7 for much less so don't put too much value in the cartridge as a package. That said, the Eroica H cartridge is a fairly decent moving-coil cartridge. Not the most detailed or the most dynamic but the tonal balance is good and it conveys a lively and robust presentation of both electronic and acoustic instruments and an involving portrayal of (singing) voices. I wouldn't choose the Eroica H for symphonies or to hear the nuances of quiet chamber music but I find it to be an all-around "fun" cartridge for rock, blues, bluegrass, etc.
the thorens td166mk2 is a workhorse and if its in really nice condition is a great value for that price. i still use a td147, and have never wanted to replace it.
Thanks Tketcham. I believe it is the original mmf-7, which from what I've read has the aluminum arm. I believe the 7.1 introduced the carbon arm. When you said you won't be able to hear the nuances in chamber music (not much of what I listen too), would I be able to hear the low level cues of the recording environment on a good acoustic folk/rock recording?