Albertporter only needs 50

Hey Audiogoners,

Albertporter has made a great offer to coordinate the bulk purchase of cryoed Hubbel outlets. My feeling if it's good enough for Albert's system, it's good enough for mine. But we need more people to participate to make it worth while. Check this post out:

If you don't have time to check out the entire post here is Albert's offer:

"If a group of you want to go together, buy a box or case of outlets, I can get a quantity discount for us for the full cryo treatment. There will be no special packaging or wrappers, but you will have ultimate performance for a fraction of the cost.(This is exactly what I did)."

I spoke with Albert earlier today and he is willing to arrange for the purchase of the outlets in Dallas, have them treated and then probably ship them out Fedex ground. Albert would be doing us all a favor and his only interest is in helping the audio community. Let him know how many you are interested in. I'm in for six (6).
Here is a analogy for Albert, It sounds like a black and white infra red photo of the sound of my system, taken through a red filter, then the print was under developed!
Lak, I don't know anyone who owns one. If I had known where to lay my hands on one I probably would have gone that route to begin with. I love instant gratification! It has been educational to hear the changes so far. It's interesting and tells me without question that outlets have a dramatic effect on the sound. I am still up beat about what will happen in the long run, it's just the sonic grab bag from day to day may be starting to wear on me. It's all in the name of science, right?
Day nine.
Better again that yesterday, seems to be a 24 hour cycle between good and bad. It's still a bit weird.

What I am begining to understand is that if I listen at fairly moderate levels the sound is wonderful. When I try to get anywhere near a reference level(read quite loud)is when the sound gets weird. Must be that they just can't pass as much juice yet when the system wants it. The balance comes back into line at these more modest levels. This makes some sense to me. Make sense to the rest of you?
Day ten.
Not much change from yesterday. Maybe this is a good sign. I listened quite a while last night and the good things are very good, space, the final frontier! The bass is still all wrong, down in level quite a bit,lacks slam and is still congested sounding. I cheated and turned the sub level up quite a bit, which helps some things and hinders in other areas. It makes some of the mid bass a bit thick and too prominent but fleshes out the low bass better but is now just fuller and funky. Give and take at this point. I may be 1/3 of the way home now.

I hate to dominate this thread. Anyone else out there with anything to add?