Whest MC REF V - my new christmas present

Well I took the plunge and ordered the new MC REF V version 4.
I had one in my system for about a week and was totally bowled over with just how it plays. Yes it's MUCH better than the RDT Special Edition in every area but what I found is that the 30R and RDT are related sound-wise, whereas the RDT Special Edition is MORE related to the MC REF V.

After having the unit in for a week and experiencing real 'music' I got in contact with James at Whest Audio. He put me on to this - his distributor in Singapore (Modular Audio) has just taken delivery of the MC REF V MK4 and this is what they had to say:

'I am very happy to tell you the MC Ref V sounded awesome even I am at the early stage of run-in. Many customers were dropping jaws how a phonostage could transform our showroom main system. Compare to the RDT, it is certainly a few steps up in terms of sonic qualities. To me, I felt it is
really organic and as near as one could get from the original masters. This is the best phono stage I have heard so far - and in my years of playing, I've heard most of the the best brands out there. Two thumbs up!'

I felt pretty much the same thing. It's more organic and 'real' and seems to just get out of the way. Even with my current setup, the performance upgrade is a huge step up. Far bigger than I thought possible. It has made me realise that I have been upgrading cartridges much sooner than I needed to! I could have stayed with my old Linn Troika and still ended up with a great sound. The MC REF V really brings out the very best of what you have - and more.

It should be with me in about 3 weeks, I can't wait.
Ouch!!!! i see the new price is $19950!!!!! I wonder if that is just a marketing gimmick or that is the real price.

A $8000 jump in price is quite extreme.
Dcarol, which version of the Ref V did you have at home? How did you obtain it?
Is there any good information available on how the various Whest phono stages differ from one another? It would interest me to know what is inside a $20K phono stage that justifies such pricing. I do think it's fair also to charge for brilliance in design, however, if it is brilliant.
My compliments .. Dcarol!

I just bought the PS30 RDT SE and I couldn't be happier!
I can't imagine what can do a MC Ref
Having had the PS30 RDT for one year I have found the SE version a great step above the normal one.. that's already a great phono stage for the money.

Yikes!!! $20000!! Is that what it is in the US? It's £9900 in the UK including VAT.

I have the PS.30RDT Special Edition which will find it's way to my second system. I just sold my PS.30RDT to a friend who sold his Manley Steelhead to finance the purchase....love the way audio travels around.

Your unit must be older than a 4 months old as the MK3 was taken off the market about 7 months ago. The new MK4 has just come out. The differences are the new discrete input section, with higher operating voltages throughout and the new hand built output cap which is a Whest/ClarityCAP collaboration. I looked at buying a MK3 last year but other stuff (holidays) got in the way.

The inside of each unit is identical and is PACKED with electronics. So you get 2 mono channels each with it's own integrated power supply.

Believe me..it's worth £10000 and most probably worth £15000. I have an Ortofon A90 that cost me £3400 which is about 1/3rd of the MC REF V cost...now that looks expensive in comparison!