How does a beginner turntable compare to digital ?

I am thinking of trying my first turntable with a 300-500$ turntable such as Rega P1 or Pioneer. How does that sound comparing to digital playback ? For example compare to Rega Apollo CD player ? what kind of differences can I expect ?

I am using Rega Brio 3 amplifier and Harbeth C7-es2 speakers.
Excellent midrange is a must to me. I am listening mainly to folk, bluegrass, jazz, small chamber musics some ballad rock.
PS: Vqlong2000: also thinking of buying bulk here in Audiogon or Ebay for a starter. How bad is that idea ? What is the chance of getting some respectable LPs in cheap that way ?

I think as you begin you should avoid this method until you have more experience with the "hands on" and get to know what a good record looks like and how they play when you play them. What an early pressing really is, what a label means, there is a lot of education and learning to go thru. Grading is all over the map. I see VGPlus records at a good store near me that I would call Good minus. So I dont' buy them. So what do you know about a bulk collection online? It's hard enough when you are at a yard sale.

Check Craigslist and shop local if you can. There are lots of collections that price out at buck a record or so. I keep going after them but usually am late to the party.
Buy the new Rega RP-1 (around $450, including a good "starter" cartridge), and have a ball ! This should match up perfectly with your Brio and Harbeths, and you'll have a really wonderful entrance into the great world of analog. Don't worry about comparing vinyl to CD's.... trust us all.... you will enjoy LP's. They sound really good. Happy Listening.
I agree with many if the previous posts. Unless you have a good-sized record collection. This is not a great starting price point. The Apollo is a very decent player and cannot easily be beaten by a P1 with a cheap cartridge in your present system. I would wait until the budget allows for a P3 with an entry level Clearaudio cartridge. Your phono stage that came with the amp is pretty decent as is, and your speakers are quite good. I just wouldn't get into the turntable market on the cheap. A good table takes time, patience and careful set up.
I agree with Samuelg. I agonized. I almost bought the project debut on clearance for 299. But I realized I needed to be in the 1k range with what I have been used to with my digital setup. There are a lot of really good options. Check musicdirect or audio advisor for clearance deals and there are deals used here. Remember that cartridges make a big difference and you want a good one to get the mids you crave.
Vqlong2000,I got back into vinyl a few years ago with a mmf-7 and although I am looking to move to a better turntable the mmf-7 can with the right cartridge be better than the Apollo. IMHO.

Good luck in your vinyl journey and have fun.Looking for good vinyl is half the fun.
