What are the optimal percentages for analog system

What percentages of cash should be allocated to a cartridge, phonostage, and table. Looking to upgrade and get the best bang for my buck.
Since this precise question has been in the forefront of the minds of lazy audio thinkers everywhere, the exact subjective AND objective optimal percentages were calculated by a cadre of respected physicists and mathematicians working for a special United Nations panel convened for this purpose.
The figures are:
Turntable: 27.22%
Pickup: 22.56%
Tonearm: 29.9211%
Speakers: 44.565%
Amplification: 33.432%

Are you for real..???
"The best bang for the buck" is an analog front end in which the separate components are well matched to each other within a certain budget. If they are not well matched, adding money won't help much. Cartridge, arm, table, cable (unless integral to the arm) and phono stage. They must work well as a system. Don't forget precise cartridge set up including loading. My personal goal is maximum information retrieval and neutrality.

A good dealer can help a lot.