Jtinn.Thank you for the explanation.I hope you took no offense to my question.My phone is of standard fare.Used only for calls and I think I can take a picture if needed.
Some of the posts on this thread are very passionate and made by members like yourself that have far superior systems then I.Possibly even more listening experience then I.But one thing that I have learned over many years of listening is that in audio no one can say something of equal quality is better in a short period of time.This is true if everything else in the system is exactly the same and in this case if I read correctly it was not.
I'm sure all of us at one time or another thought product "A" was better then product "B" only to make another comparison a few days later and find that you now think the opposite.
I havn't heard the Talea and it very well may be the great tonearm that others say it is.
I recall the Graham and Wheaton shootouts.
(I preferred the Graham and had two over the years)Others purchased Wheaton's,They were not wrong.Both were and still are top performers.I guess what I am trying to say is simply "don't rush to judgement".And I do wish the maker of the Talea arm a successful journey.