Schroder sq and the new talea

I heard there was to be a fun time of learning and comparing of these two arms at the rmaf. Since the talea is relatively new, it still has to stand the test of time with comparisons on other tables, other systems and the selective and subjective tastes of discerning audiophiles! There is to be a comparison in one of the rooms at the rmaf this year, which i wasnt able to make. I would be curious to hear some judicial, diplomatic, friendly talk about how they compared to each other in the same system and room. I currently own the origin live silver mk3 with a jan allaerts mc1bmk2 and am enjoying this combo but have become curious about the more popular "superarms" Hats off to both frank and joel.

I hope this thread draws more light rather than heat. If someone preferred one arm over the other it would be OK. With all the variables it doesnt mean that much to me. What matters to me is what it sounds like to me and in my room. With that said...

What was your bias? was it for the schroder or the talea?

Dgarretson, the wide variation we see in pivot AND linear tonearm designs has - IMHO ... - one simple reason. There was so far never a tonearm designed with an all complete blue book.
I have so far not seen a tonearm which really addresses all issues going with the dynamic process of guiding a cartridge through the groove of a record. We have a good number of good designs which all do come close - some more, some less, - but none is complete.
The roman gladius evolved during centuries and changed - depending on changes in battle tactics, associated equipment, wealth, availability and new alloys.
As did all weapon in human history. That specific ars germanicum gladius was just an example for "inherent quality/value" in a superior tool ( in its time frame ).
BTW - have you ever fought or used any sword of times past? Try fight - or simulate to do so ... - with norman shield and sword of the 11th/12th century. Most of us won't be able to handle it at all - because of the sheer weight and poor balance - for a minute.
The gladius I was referring to, was the result of a complete - if never written - blue book. That "in-mind blue book" was the result of experience, clear view on the topic and most undisturbed by personal preference or image.

Tonearm design will evolve further. In very small steps. But I am still confident, that we will see a tonearm design one day in the not so far future which does address all issues. Yes, the debate continues about short vs long, pivot vs linear etc. - a complete blue book would end that discussion. Lucky us, we don't have that blue book ...;-) .... for the true audiophile it would be the worst case scenario.
It is much more fun to debate about almost-perfect-designs then to fall victim to a complete solution which would - shudder... - end all discussion.
But since we talk products, that will never happen.
Even a "perfect" tonearm would not be widely recognized as such.
Because many people would refuse to accept it.
Even a "perfect" tonearm would only have its share of the market and would have still a few competitors.
As the product's success is always a matter of market request/call.
The market NEVER asks for a perfect solution.

And - there was no "simple kill-shot of Gladius" ....... that wasn't its only nor prime purpose.
DT: 2000 Billion in the USA and anywhere else in the universe = 2 trillion, or 2 times ten to the 12th power. Do you really mean to say that the CERN accelerator cost $2 trillion?
Atmasphere, I would not dream to 'refute' any literary work whatever. Poppers refutation and confirmations are about the truth of theorys. Refutation if they are 'false',
confirmation as a kind of temporal state. Ie he does not
believe that a theory can be proven but well refuted.
So confirmitaion is for as long as the theory 'stnds'.

Atmasphere, I forget to mention the dramatic aspect by
CERN. If the existance of Higs particale is not proven
then the whole theory will be refuted in Poppers sence.

Nandric, thank you for both of your responses. I don't understand some of what you said - I assume it is just more category errors between us through different languages - but I can't quite understand what my mental eye is supposed to see in China, or what language games are in relation thereto. Please help, really.

BTW, when did "hints" not qualify as part of a discussion? Did you really think I would let go of my new bone so easily?

Yes, Wittgenstein is seen as a very smart fellow, well recognized. But, cognitive speed is not cognitive agility, or that agility fluidly accelerated by a seeing beyond it.

BTW, I do not *see" with only my mental eye.

Ahhh, and there it is: he thinks that he *sees* something that no one else does....(Stone the Witch! :0)

So, if you will not answer my no-mind questions, I will ask for you: What in the hell does this Asa think that he is see-ing, the bastard? What is this fluidity-to-cognition thing anyway?!

Derto, thank you again for your private tonearm advice. And also on your hopeful post above, which is far from your reactions on the vagaries of capitalism in the high end. Your observations about instinctual greed amplified by our micro-culture are, of course, accurate, but I still like this part of you. We can yell at the Wind - trust me, I've done more than my fair share of intellectual sword play - but, in the end, the most you can do is be a catalyst for change, for the Other (human-other, non-human other, earth-other). Its not up to only you (a catalyst assumes a nexus btween your mind and another's, as opposed to make-ing that other mind see, which ia a causal prey-predator relation). Tough thing to see for the cognitively-endowed, but there you have it...On the other hand, maybe that is what we are supposed to see with that power; realizing the experiential, evolutionary limits of that power.

Derto, posit: If you were "God" and you had someone as smart as you are, wouldn't you want his own smart-ness to show it the limits of itelf, and in that moment, point to something else?

Could be...
