Lew, you're right about the DV1s weighing more than the Universe (just by feel....I have only a mass of 12.6 gm for the Dyna but nothing for the ZYX), but why did you guess heavier rather than lighter?
And yes......I was commenting on cartridge/arm matching rather than the respective merits of the 2 cartridges.
Raul's point about the difficulty of designing a truly 'universal' tonearm is well taken.
Of my 3 tonearms on the Raven AC-3, the Copperhead arm came 2nd (although by the smallest of margins), with both the Universe and the DV1s. The DaVinci was best with the Universe whilst the Phantom II won with the DV1s.
When high compliance MM cartridges were installed however, the Copperhead won with every single example.
So trade-offs are inevitable I think if the aim really IS to design a 'universal' arm, and don't forget, the arm designers usually use one or two cartridges to 'voice' their tone-arm designs so synergy with those selected cartridges may necessarily compromise the synergy with others?
And yes......I was commenting on cartridge/arm matching rather than the respective merits of the 2 cartridges.
Raul's point about the difficulty of designing a truly 'universal' tonearm is well taken.
Of my 3 tonearms on the Raven AC-3, the Copperhead arm came 2nd (although by the smallest of margins), with both the Universe and the DV1s. The DaVinci was best with the Universe whilst the Phantom II won with the DV1s.
When high compliance MM cartridges were installed however, the Copperhead won with every single example.
So trade-offs are inevitable I think if the aim really IS to design a 'universal' arm, and don't forget, the arm designers usually use one or two cartridges to 'voice' their tone-arm designs so synergy with those selected cartridges may necessarily compromise the synergy with others?