With the my allaerts mc1b mk2 cart and breuer 8c mk2 , based upon what i could learn through forums like these, reviews and a bit of hard thinking, i go by faith that what i have is very very good and maybe even better than i know? Because i have owned less than 2 combinations ever! that is why , the rest of the way i have to go by faith. I dont have a extravagant budget, just extravagant tastes and appetites! so i did my research decided on the above cart. Next came the breuer using the same logic. ie, which arm is a really good arm, maybe a last... and a good match for the allaerts. I wanted to get to the "top" [or in that region at least], pay the price of admission, see if they "get me there" and stop looking and shopping. This arm and this cart seemed great candidates to accomplish that. I appreciate your response because it helps to build confidence that i've made the right decisions. Especially when it is coming from a schroder sq[a arm i have always been infatuated with]/titan i, owner who has owned the same combo on a table of the likes of the acustic and from a audiophile who has probably heard and owned more combos than i have. Maybe i exaggerate in my minds eye ,how good the schroder would sound because of my infatuation with it?
Your two combos sound similar. That is very interesting. So, my combo too, must be in some ways be in the vicinity of the schroder/ titan combo too. Therefore i kinda have some of the degree of skill of the schroder with my breuer, so i can be content.
Things will start to get blurry now as i try to predict how what you heard with the breuer/allaerts combo [on an acustic table] and what i hear with it on my lenco 78[wood/dmf panzerholz armboard] table, how the sound is different? Not to mention our other system differences which are many. [smiling] Like i said its going to get blurry![smile] Having said that ...in general terms...we are both very excited by what we hear, so it seems we are able to communicate some general truths about the virtues of this combo!!!
I bought the allaerts new so i could have a warranty and because i wanted to know that i was getting a good cart. So you could say i'm married to it, not just living together!...[laughing] Because it is staying so will the breuer.
I own a "true vintage" j45 gibson guitar. It uses all solid woods, real bone for its nut and bridge, rosewood fretboard, and even bonded with old school method of "hot hide glue" and i can hear the difference between a similar guitar made from synthetic materials and mine. Mine has a deep, earthy, buttery tone. A smoothness. That is partly what attracts me to the schroder. Maybe the difference between our construction materials in regards to what our table are made from gives me some of the attributes of wood that i think i would like. Having a acustic 1 table would probably tell alot.
I'm guessing that where the two combos depart slightly from each other is in this area? I'm talking fine degrees. As you mention they sound very similar but i would venture the schroder combo still is a few degrees more bent toward the mid range euphonics side of things[ i mean this as a virtue] .More organic, earthy midrange, while the other is more toward neutral , clean,sparkle and silky? The schroder has a "thicker" subcontext or texture to its tone and presentation? no?
Syntax, I think to some degree i have the capacity to enjoy such a comparison on both levels.
Ps...Lewn [smile]...I'm still too young to be put in the category of old fa--. I'm somewhere in between young whipper snapper and that ....AND thanks to my dad I DO still have a full head of hair...[smile]