What I learned on Audiogon This Year

Things I learned from the forums this year:

1) In n Out Burger is the best fast food in the world, and Father's Office is the best Burger in LA (thanks BongoFury).

2) Widespread Panic and Arcade Fire are great bands.

3) All Digital is the wave of the future through downloads and analog is dead.

4) Analog is back to audio dominance and will continue to grow, digital is a trend and will die off except for convenience sake.

5) Don't ever say anything derogitory regarding certain types of gear that are defended by thier ______-mafia gangs. Especially___________________________.

6) Expensive Power cords are a still the biggest snake oil in audio.

7) Speakers are the most important place to start building a system.

8) Analog sounds better than digital.

9) Blu Ray is dead in the water, downloads for all media, video and audio is now the standard and will only continue to grow.

10) This is not a hobby, but a terrible affliction/addiction, and I need to change out some more gear.

Hmm...I found these to be truisms this year...

1. More often than not, when you're involved in a transaction, the other party is a terrible communicator - as if they never even got your e-mails, etc. Then, they never even let you know if the stuff got there.

2. Some people truly do not have a sense of humor around here.

3. Disliking jazz is a big no-no - you can't possibly know a lot about music or have the same insight, deep appreciation, etc. if you don't spend much time listening to Miles, Coltrane, etc.

4. There are still a lot of quality folks around here. So amen to that.
We are programmed to suffer and never feel as though life is great even if it is, and to pay no attention to the most important things in life.
Elizabeth the only thing I think you may have missed is that adjusting the VTA will likely fix any type of problem a person may be having.