In addition to the suggestions above, a commonly used method is to view the cartridge from the front while a record is being played, and adjusting the anti-skating force such that the left or right deflection of the cantilever (if any) is the same as it is when the stylus is lifted off of the record.
Skating force will vary somewhat with the position on the record, so if that method is used the check should be performed at more than one point.
There are more sophisticated methods available, for instance using an oscilloscope to monitor the signals while a suitable test record, such as the Analogue Productions "Ultimate Analogue Test LP," is being played.
As the others have indicated, it is best to err in the direction of too little anti-skating force, rather than too much. Some people find that none at all works best.
-- Al
Skating force will vary somewhat with the position on the record, so if that method is used the check should be performed at more than one point.
There are more sophisticated methods available, for instance using an oscilloscope to monitor the signals while a suitable test record, such as the Analogue Productions "Ultimate Analogue Test LP," is being played.
As the others have indicated, it is best to err in the direction of too little anti-skating force, rather than too much. Some people find that none at all works best.
-- Al