First new/used does not matter. There is no hiss/pop/crackle in vinyl done right! Second, if your scared or nerves look elsewhere. Third, the mussic you listen too does not matter it is ALL available in vinyl. Forth and finally but not least, vinyl is more then a hobby, vinyl is a commitment. It is like a marrage, you never stop paying for it. It is a way of life a type of obsession. It is not like digital, play and forget. You have to be involved. You do not listen to one or 2 songs on an album an move on. You listen to one sides at a time. You listen. Not to instrument placement or volcal accuracy or even seperation, you listen to music. Rock, pop, jazz, classical, country, rega, indie, it is all here and it does not matter which. Just that you love music and you are looking/willing to listen!